International Auditing

International AuditingWith the UK economy struggling to recover from a recession, many auditors are looking to the international market to further their careers. Moving to another country for work could help you progress at a quicker pace, by letting you move within a healthier, more rapidly growing economy.


Moving to the International Market

Taking an auditor role within another country could open up a bigger scope of positions within your field, leading into different areas of the job within larger organisations, which could boast a wider array of benefits and a more progressive career ladder.

That said, global jobs are more obtainable to those who look into gaining international qualifications, which help to ensure your skill sets are recognised across the world.


The International Register of Certified Auditors

The International Register of Certified Auditors is the original and largest internationally recognised certification body, providing individuals with the chance to achieve qualifications that will allow them to move freely across the global marketplace.

Formed in London in 1984, this organisation was set up as part of the United Kingdom’s government initiative to ensure business and industry remained competitive, and in the process, upheld a series of quality practices and values.


Certification and Qualification with the IRCA

The IRCA’s evaluation and certification models have been adopted across the worldwide industry, and the organisation now has more than 150 countries on its register. Individuals who are certified as an IRCA auditor are recognised across the marketplace as qualified and capable auditors, and the organisation upholds an excellent reputation for quality and integrity.


Access to International Jobs

Once an individual has achieved a certification through the IRCA, they are entered onto the institute’s publically accessible online register of auditors, which is utilised by employers across the world.


Becoming IRCA Approved

The IRCA approves training organisations across the world, with just under 100 organisations offering qualifications in 100 different countries. Their courses range from foundation levels to internal auditor qualifications, with lead auditor courses offered as well. Alternatively, those who are already qualified as a lead auditor can take a conversion course through the IRCA, gaining knowledge of a different discipline.


Qualification with the ACCA

The ACCA is a global body for professional accountants, and it also offers the chance to train to become an international auditor. Qualified auditors can apply online to complete their Certificate in International Auditing, which gives individuals the chance to understand how International Standards on Auditing are used across the world. A course such as this is open to professionals who are qualified in accordance with their country’s accounting standards.

For individuals who wish to progress rapidly through their chosen career path, obtaining an internationally recognised qualification helps to widen the possibilities available to them. Looking to the world stage could result in higher salaries, lower tax rates, and faster development, so it makes sense to explore the possibilities.


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