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Data Scientist

Estimated Salary
Estimated Salary £76,500 - £109,000 /yr
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role
Total job openings
Total job openings 5
Current job openings available on Careers in Audit
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Skills and Expertise

Skill and expertise held by people in the Data Scientist role
  • Machine Learning
  • Python Programming
  • Tableau
  • Amazon Web Services
  • ETL
  • Neural Networks
  • Data Mining
  • NumPy
  • LSI StoreAge
  • StoreAge SVM

Career path

Real world examples of career paths taken by those in the Data Scientist role

Data recently sourced from Data Scientist CVs

  • Data Scientist

    a year

    Data Engineer

    a year

    Data Scientist

    Machine Learning Engineer

    a year

    Data Scientist

    a year

  • Business Analyst

    a year

    Data Analyst

    2 years

    Data Scientist

    Data Engineer

    a year

    Data Scientist

    a year

  • Software Engineer

    9 months

    Data Science Intern

    6 months

    Data Scientist

    Data Analyst

    a year

    Data Scientist

    2 years


Estimated salary for Data Scientist jobs based on location
Average annual salary £93,000 /yr
Average salary of job openings for this role
Estimated salary £76,500 - £109,000 /yr
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role


Education held by people in the Data Scientist role

Most common education level

Masters degree

Education Subjects Studied

  • Computer Science


Qualifications held by people in the Data Scientist role
  • Security Clearance > Security Clearance TOP SECRET
  • Security Clearance > Security Clearance GOVERNMENT
  • Security Clearance > Security Clearance DV

Data Scientist jobs

Pharma Biotech Data Scientist Assoc Dir

2 days to apply

Pharma Biotech Data Scientist Assoc Dir

San Francisco
2 days to apply

Senior Data Scientist

Dive Into Python
17 days to apply