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This job has expired

Sustainability Manager

Closing date
28 May 2022

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Employer Sector
Banking & Finance - Retail
Contract Type
Full Time
Job Type
ESG & Sustainability, Sustainability
R??f??rence de l'offre


Type de contrat


Niveau d'exp??rience


Soci??t?? du groupeAXA Investment Managers
Famille m??tierFinance et strat??gie

PUTEAUX, Hauts-de-Seine
Votre r??le et vos missions


With ???157bn assets under management, AXA IM Alts, the alternatives business unit of AXA IM, is a global leader in alternatives investment, operating in real estate, private debt & alternative credit, private equity & infrastructure and hedge funds. Our 700+ employees operating from 16 offices around the world are serving the needs of more than 350 clients worldwide.

Description of the department

As one of the world's largest real assets managers, we believe that the decisions we make when investing can do much more than generate financial returns. We can contribute to a sustainable future by minimising the environmental impact of our assets, protecting them against the effects of climate change and working collaboratively to unleash the transformative potential of our ingenuity.

Our responsible investment strategy is built on three key pillars: Decarbonisation, Resilience, and Building Tomorrow. We are actively investing towards a low carbon future, be it through the creation of infrastructure for renewable energy, developing best-in-class real estate, or regenerating and transforming existing building stock worthy of a place in the low carbon future.

AXA IM Alts global sustainability team is in charge of supporting the integration of the Responsible Investment (RI) strategy in all our activities. It is composed of experienced, multicultural, pluridisciplinary and passionate individuals, based in London and Paris. The team ensures the deployment of AXA IM Alts strategy by coordinating various teams, setting priority actions, developing guidelines and relevant tools, as well as delivering training. Our support covers a broad range of tasks such as data collection, technical advisory, stakeholder coordination, service provider selection, reporting consolidation, company representation and communication. In addition to this, the team is supported by six dedicated regional asset management ESG leads.

The main responsibilities of the role

The candidate will play a key role in the evolution and integration of the responsible investment strategy in the various activities and teams within the company. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Developing green finance opportunities:

Support fund managers in identifying and leveraging new green financing opportunities (green bond, sustainability linked loans etc.)
Develop benchmarking to advise on most relevant initiative impacts and associated methodologies
Contribute to reporting preparation to demonstrate funds' impact

Strenghtening Client Group ESG leadership :

Become the main contact for Client Group team on ESG related topics
Develop their knowledge of ESG related issues and create tools and methodologies to increase their ability to address this topic
Ensure good coordination and visibility on clients ESG requests, review answers and bring support on specific needs
Participate in client meetings

Regulatory & market watch and reporting process optimization

Participate in regulatory working groups with compliance and legal teams to anticipate on new regulatory requirements (Taxonomy, Article 29, SFDR???) and adapt our reporting tools and methodologies accordingly
Represent the company in mainstream industry groups and initiatives
Support initiatives to streamline ESG reporting process and embed them in company's existing reporting tools
Develop ESG communication and value the company's performance

The manager will also take part in the sustainability team day to day tasks, such as:

Provide market research on ESG related topics (carbon, green finance, natural capital, green energy and real asset solutions???)
Undertake research and assist in developing thought leadership topics, developing financial business use cases and assessing new investment opportunities
Develop and adjust new and existing tools and methodologies to embed ESG in our investment process
Coordinate with various internal and external stakeholders
Votre profil



Master degree in Finance, Management, Engineering or Real Estate
Sustainability focused diploma are favourable


Minimum 5 years of experience
Prior experience in the ESG department of a financial institution, real estate or consulting firm
Experience / knowledge of real assets is a plus
Demonstrated experience in leading sustainability related projects
Understanding of EU and local ESG regulations (ie. SFDR, Taxonomy, Loi Plage, Decret Tertiaire, etc) is considered a plus


Accomplished interpersonal skills, ability to work efficiently in a team in an international and matrix environment
Proven teamplayer
Excellent communication skills, both orally and in writing
Autonomous, initiative, entrepreneurial and result driven culture
Ability to manage complex projects and multiple tasks in parallel
Strong analytical and synthesis capacity
Verbal and written communications and presentation skills
Creative thinking, capability to develop innovative solutions
Strong written and oral skills in English
Any other European language is considered a plus
Votre environnement de travail

Aimeriez-vous vous lever chaque jour motiv??(e) par une mission inspirante et travailler en ??quipe pour permettre de prot??ger les personnes et leurs proches? Chez AXA nous avons l'ambition de mener la transformation de notre m??tier. Nous cherchons des personnes talentueuses ayant une exp??rience diversifi??e, qui pensent diff??remment, et qui veulent faire partie de cette transformation passionnante en challengeant le statu quo et faire d'AXA - marque globale leader et une des soci??t??s les plus innovantes dans notre secteur - une entreprise encore plus performante et responsable. Dans un monde en perp??tuelle ??volution et avec une pr??sence dans 64 pays, nos salari??s et distributeurs privil??gi??s anticipent le changement pour offrir des services et solutions adapt??s aux besoins actuels et futurs de nos 103 millions de clients.

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) est un gestionnaire d'actifs responsable qui investit activement sur le long terme pour la prosp??rit?? de ses clients, de ses collaborateurs et de la plan??te. Avec environ 866 milliards d'euros d'actifs sous gestion ?? fin juin 2021, notre gestion de conviction nous permet d'identifier les opportunit??s d'investissement que nous consid??rons comme les meilleures du march?? ?? l'??chelle mondiale dans les diff??rentes classes d'actifs alternatives et traditionnelles. AXA IM est un leader sur le march?? de l'investissement vert, social et durable, avec 568 milliards d'euros d'actifs int??grant des crit??res ESG, durables ou ?? impact, ?? fin juin 2021. Nous nous sommes engag??s ?? atteindre l'objectif de z??ro ??mission nette de gaz ?? effet de serre d'ici 2050 pour l'ensemble de nos actifs, et ?? int??grer les consid??rations ESG dans nos activit??s, de la s??lection des titres ?? notre culture d'entreprise en passant par la fa??on dont nous g??rons nos op??rations au quotidien. Nous souhaitons apporter de la valeur ?? nos clients gr??ce ?? des solutions d'investissement responsables, tout en suscitant des changements significatifs pour la soci??t?? et l'environnement. A fin juin 2021, AXA IM emploie plus de 2 488 collaborateurs dans le monde, r??partis dans 26 bureaux et 20 pays. AXA IM fait partie du Groupe AXA, un leader mondial de l'assurance et de la gestion d'actifs.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

Nous sommes fiers de promouvoir une culture de la performance ce qui veut dire que nous cherchons ?? recruter des personnes qui sont non seulement comp??tentes techniquement mais ??galement ouvertes ?? l'international, innovanets et capables de mettre ?? contribution leurs perspectives et exp??riences uniques afin d'accompagner nos succ??s en tant qu'entreprise. Employer les meilleurs professionnels parmi le plus large vivier de talents possible est au c??ur de notre strat??gie qui consiste ?? d??livrer une excellente qualit?? de service ?? notre client??le diversifi??e. AXA IM s'engage ?? d??velopper une culture inclusive, mettant en valeur la diversit?? et soutenant la progression de carri??re de l'ensemble de ses collaborateurs et collaboratrices.

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